Where I’ve been, what I’ve been doing and why I’m not doing veganuary.

My last post was quite a while back now, talking about my decision to go vegan, I did nearly 3 months but then around the time that I started my teaching course, I went back to pescatarian. I know a lot of people who make the decision to go vegan can be quite judgemental of... Continue Reading →

This has made me vegan.

My blog of late has talked about toying with veganism, especially since January this year when I did the whole Veganuary month. I felt guilty eating dairy, meat and fish after January and have reduced my consumption of animal products considerably but have found cheese and fish have crept back into my diet. I've said... Continue Reading →

Single mum, back to school?!

I have been quiet on the blog front lately. That's because I've got an awful lot going on right now, it's all great stuff but today I feel like I'm beginning to sink a little under the pressure. Before having kids, I knew that I'd love them more than anything. However the actual feeling of... Continue Reading →

Vegan & veggie diet

Since Veganuary I have been feeling mixed emotions about my diet. After January came to an end, I didn't know if I should continue as a vegan or not. I liked that the diet had stopped my chocolate and cheese binges, however I was feeling tired of being a pain in the ass when out... Continue Reading →

Sugar free February… am I insane?

It's the final day of Veganuary! Over the last week or so I have been thinking a lot about whether I could realistically maintain a vegan diet. I've LOVED making vegan meals for myself, trying new ingredients and cooking methods and I truly haven't missed dairy as much as I thought I would. I've gained... Continue Reading →

#newyearnewme and all that.

Happy new year! I hope 2019 has been wonderful for you so far! I'm not usually one for New Years resolutions, I don't like to make promises that I know I won't keep. However, I am using January as an opportunity to try to change my lifestyle and eating habits. I had already made a... Continue Reading →

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